• +1 844 234-2335
  • support@charityauctionstoday.com
Auction type
Create an online, hybrid,
or live auction

Auction information
Identify the organization
and name the auction

Review and setup
your auction

Brand your website, add
items and go live!

What type of auction are you hosting?
Define where this auction will take place. You can change this later.

Auction Information
Give your auction a unique name and provide information about who it benefits.

Chose a descriptive and captivating name for your auction that sparks interest from the first glance. Harness your event superpowers and name your event with a headline that excites and engages your audience. 60 characters max.   Show less
Attendees and donors are more likely to contribute when they recognize the organization behind the auction of the charity and let your audience know where their support is going.   Show less
Online visitors could reach your organization by browsing the category on marketplace  

Event Information
Give your event a unique name and provide information about who it benefits.

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